Authors are encouraged to submit a full paper of their oral or poster presentation for the publication in the Proceedings of Lectures and Papers of the 12th Slovenian Conference on Plant Protection.


Authors are requested to transmit the text of the manuscript in electronic form (preferably in MS Word) via CD-Rom. The manuscript (including figures and tables) should not exceed 6 pages.


When preparing manuscripts in MS Word, please adhere to following guidelines: left margin should be 30 mm, other three margins should be 25 mm; line spacing should be 1.5; font should be Times New Roman, 12 pt; make sure that all text is flush left, do not centre any text; the first page will contain the title of the manuscript, the complete name(s) of the author(s), the institution, abstract and 5 key words in alphabet order. Authors’ academic title and addresses should be footnoted on the bottom of the first page.


Full papers should consist of the following sections: 1 Introduction, 2 Materials and Methods, 3 Results and Discussion, 4 Conclusions, 5 Acknowledgement 6 References (in a case that section Acknowledgement does not appear in the paper, the section References should be numbered with number 5). Further division should be decimal, but not more than three level. Figures and tables should be incorporated in the text. Figures and tables should be submitted separately (on A4 sheet) too. Tables should be presented one per page. In text and tables decimal comma should be used (not the full stop). Figures should be numbered as Fig. 1, the title should be underneath the Figure. Tables should be numbered as Table 1; the title should be above the Table. List references in alphabetical order using the following style:


Milevoj, L. 2001. Biotično varstvo rastlin v rastlinjakih. Sodobno kmetijstvo, 34, 1: 29-31.


Vrabl, S., Maček, J. 1995. Ekosocialno kmetijstvo in varstvo rastlin. V: Maček, J. (ur.). Zbornik predavanj in referatov z 2. slovenskega posvetovanja o varstvu rastlin, Radenci, 21.-22. februar 1995. Ljubljana, Društvo za varstvo rastlin Slovenije, 1995: 11-18.


Lewis, T. 1997. Thrips as crop pests. Wallingford, CAB International: 740 str.


Papers, presented at the Conference, ready for printing, should be sent to the address of the Organizing Committee till the beginning of the Conference or till March 31 2015 at the latest.


Correctly prepared manuscripts which will be submitted in due time will be published in the Proceedings of the Conference. All participants and guests will receive the Proceedings of the Conference by mail.