Vlasta KNAPIČ1, Janez MAČEK2, Gregor UREK3, Marjan MARKELJ4, Miroslav LOZEJ5

Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano, SI-1001 Ljubljana, Slovenija
Inšpektorat RS za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo, lovstvo in ribištvo, SI-1001 Ljubljana, Slovenija
Kmetijski inštitut Slovenije, Oddelek za varstvo rastlin, SI-1001 Ljubljana, Slovenija


Izvajalci varstva rastlin so zaradi potrebe po obvladovanju vedno večje množine informacij od leta 1994 na državnem nivoju parcialno gradili zbirke podatkov in trenutno upravljajo vsaj s štirimi informacijskimi sistemi, ki so nastajali v različnih časovnih obdobjih z različno tehnologijo. Na MKGP se vzdržujejo evidence, registri in zbirke podatkov v komercialnih programih, ki niso povezani v sistem. Fitosanitarna inšpekcija uporablja interni CK-program. Pooblaščene ustanove gradijo Karto geografske razprostranjenosti škodljivih organizmov, ki je zasnova GIS prostorskega prikazovanja podatkov. Opazovalno-napovedovalna služba uporablja specializiran program AgroExpert, ki ga povezuje v agrometeorološki sistem, za podporo širši javnosti pa deluje več spletnih strani, ki so dosegljive preko naslova Če ne štejemo agrometeorološkega sistema in spletnih strani, je vzdrževanje in upravljanje z zbirkami podatkov in s sistemi zaradi parcialnosti drago in manj učinkovito, ustvarja se več nepovezanih zbirk, prihaja do podvajanja podatkov in obdelav ter do neenotnosti podatkov. Zaradi naštetih slabosti in zahtev po hitri izmenjavi informacij s službami za varstvo rastlin drugih držav ter s Komisijo Evropske Unije, je v državnem programu Republike Slovenije za prevzem pravnega reda EU predvidena vzpostavitev poenotenega-integriranega informacijskega sistema za fitosanitarno področje, ki vsebinsko povezuje področje zdravstvenega varstva rastlin, semena in sadik rastlin (FITO sistem) ter fitofarmacevtskih sredstev in registracije sort rastlin (FFS sistem). Zaradi specifičnih zahtev zdravstvenega varstva rastlin so že sedanje rešitve računalniške podpore rezultat dela internih delovnih skupin, ki so z zunanjimi strokovnjaki IT uporabile razvojno okolje, ki je bilo na voljo. Tudi FITO informacijski sistem se bo razvijal pod okriljem državnega odgovornega organa za varstvo rastlin, saj podpore njegovim postopkom ni mogoče kupiti na trgu. Večji del programskega razvoja bo potekal z zunanjimi izvajalci, pri tem pa bomo v največji meri uporabljali dosedanje dobre in slabe izkušnje obstoječih sistemov. Z vzpostavitvijo informacijskega centra na ministrstvu ter s sodelovanjem  Centra vlade za informatiko je mogoče skupaj s strokovnimi delavci upravnega organa izvajati vodenje razvoja, koordinacijo, vzdrževanje podatkovnega skladišča,  nadzor nad zunanjimi izvajalci ter varovanje in upravljanje informacijskega sistema. Za zanesljivo delovanje sistema je potrebno: vzpostaviti komunikacijske povezave izvajalcev varstva rastlin z uporabo državnega omrežja (HKOM); dostop posameznih enot do centra dodatno zaščititi s kodiranjem, okolje pa s požarnim zidom ločiti od preostalega omrežja; uporabiti sodobno internetno tehnologijo, ustrezen brskalnik in strežnike. V okviru državnega programa in Twinning projekta z nizozemsko službo za varstvo rastlin je oblikovana projektna skupina za informacijsko analizo obstoječih sistemov in pripravo osnutka modulov za integrirani FITO sistem. Podpora s programsko opremo je nujna na nivoju končnih uporabnikov v diagnostičnih laboratorijih in v inšpekciji, da lahko preko spletnega brskalnika urejujejo in pregledujejo podatke. Na drugem nivoju mora programska oprema omogočati uporabnikom zlasti centralno obdelavo podatkov, povezovanje z drugimi sistemi (ministrstvo, carina, druge inšpekcijske službe) in administracijo sistema.  Največja potreba je po razvoju modula za registracijo zavezancev za vpis v register za varstvo rastlin, ki bo razvit skladno s centralnim registrom ministrstva (RKG-SUB), ter modula registracije inšpekcijskih dogodkov oziroma vzorcev za diagnostični laboratorij, ki bo podlaga za upravljanje varstva rastlin v Republiki Sloveniji.  




In order to master ever increasing amounts of information, those responsible for providing plant protection have been constructing data bases piecemeal on a national level since 1994, so that they now operate at least four information systems that have been created at different  periods and using varied technology. At the Ministry, records, registers and databases are kept using commercial software that is not linked into a system. The phytosanitary inspectorate uses an internal CK-program. Authorised institutions are elaborating a distribution map of  harmful organisms, which introduces the GIS recording-plot method into the plant protection domain. The monitoring and forecasting service has been using the specialised program, AgroExpert, and has networked it into the agro-meteorological system, while several website pages provide support to the wider public when accessed at the address Disregarding the agro-meteorological system and website pages, the maintenance and management of data bases and systems  are expensive and less effective due to their partial nature, because several unrelated data bases are created, causing overlapping of data and processing, and lack of uniformity of the data. In order to avoid these weaknesses and to meet the demand for speedy exchange of information among various plant protections services in other countries and the EU Commission, a unified and integrated information system for the plant protection domain is planned within the national program of the Republic of Slovenia for the adoption of the acquis communautaire, which links in terms of content the areas of plant protection, plant seeds and plants for planting (PHYTO system), plant protection products, and the registration of plant varieties. Due to the specific demands of plant health protection, up-to-date solutions provided by IT support have been produced by internal working groups in co-operation with foreign IT experts, using the available development tools. The FITO information system will also continue to develop under the auspices of the national authority responsible for plant protection, since it is not possible to buy software support on the market. Most software development will be done through outsourcing, while making optimum use of both good and bad experiences of existing systems that we have gained so far. By setting up an information centre at the Ministry, and in co-operation with the expert staff of the management body, it is possible to implement the development, co-ordination, maintenance of data storage, supervision of external contractors, and protection and management of the information system. To achieve reliable operation of the system, communication links must be established among plant protection providers using the national network  (HKOM); furthermore, access of individual units to the centre must be protected by a coding system, and the physical environment must be separated from the rest of the network by a fireproof wall; in addition, modern Internet technology, an adequate browser and servers must be used. A project group has been organised within the national programme and a Twinning project with the Dutch service for plant protection, to prepare an information analysis of existing systems and a draft of modules for an integrated FITO system. Software support is essential on the level of final users in diagnostic laboratories and for inspection, so that they can edit and review the data. On a second level, the software must make it possible for users to process the data centrally, to liaise with other systems (the ministry, customs and other inspection services), and to administer the system. The most urgently needed is a module for the registration of those liable to enter into the plant protection register, which will be developed in conjunction with the central register of the Ministry (RKG-SUB), and a module for the registration of individual inspections or samples for the diagnostic laboratory, providing the basis for plant protection management in the Republic of Slovenia.