za zdravstvo, Urad za kemikalije, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija
starimi bremeni pesticidov so mišljeni ostanki in embalaža fitofarmacevtskih
sredstev in drugih sredstev za zatiranje škodljivih organizmov, ki se
uporabljajo zunaj kmetijstva, in jih označujemo z izrazom biocidi. V preteklih
letih so se zaradi različnih vzrokov nakopičili neporabljeni ostanki teh
sredstev, ki bi jih bilo treba zbrati in ustrezno uničiti. V Sloveniji se po
skoraj desetletju prizadevanj za sistemsko ureditev te problematike in za
zagotovitev ustreznega načina, kakor tudi denarnih sredstev za odstranitev
starih bremen pripravlja vseslovenski projekt, s katerim bodo v določenem časovnem
obdobju odstranjena stara bremena pesticidov, kakor tudi kemikalij, in
zagotovljeni ustrezni ukrepi za preprečevanje njihovega ponovnega kopičenja.
Vlada Republike Slovenije je na svoji seji 29. 11. 2000 s sklepom št.
065-00/98-32 opredelila, da se odstranjevanju starih bremen odpadnih pesticidov
in kemikalij določa posebno prioriteto, in zadolžila pristojna ministrstva:
Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor, Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in
prehrano ter Ministrstvo za zdravstvo, da v ta namen zagotovijo v svojih proračunih
ustrezna finančna sredstva. Med pristojnimi ministrstvi je dogovorjeno, da
projekt usklajuje Urad za kemikalije RS.
old pesticide burdens are meant the remains and packaging of plant protection
products and non agriculture pesticides, which are characterised by the term
biocides. Unused remains of these means have accumulated for various reasons in
past years, and they must be collected and suitably destroyed. In Slovenia,
after almost a decade of efforts at a systematic arrangement of this problem,
and at ensuring a suitable way, as well as the funds, to remove the old burden,
an all-Slovene project has been prepared, by which old burdens of pesticides, as
well as chemicals, will be removed in a specific time span, and suitable
measures taken to prevent their accumulation in the future. The Government of
the Republic of Slovenia resolved at its session of 29.11.2000, by resolution
no. 065-00/98-32, that the removal of old burdens of waste pesticides and
chemicals be determined a special priority, and required the relevant ministries:
the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning, the Ministry of Agriculture,
Forestry and Food, and the Ministry of Health, to provide suitable funds for
this in their budgets. It was agreed among the relevant ministries that the
National Chemicals Bureau coordinates the project.