Palacký University, Faculty of Science, Department of Botany, 783 71 Olomouc-Holice, Czech Republic


Paradižnikova pepelovka (Oidium lycopersici) je pritegnila pozornost fitopatologov in žlahniteljev že pred več kot 10 leti, ko je prišlo zaradi nje do epifitocije na paradižniku. Gliva je nevaren patogen in se je razširila v zmerno toplem območju starega in novega Sveta. Njen izvor ni natančno znan (verjetno pa gre za mutacijo neznane vrste). Doslej so bile raziskave usmerjene predvsem k morfološkim značilnostim glive, vrstam gojiteljskih rastlin in k izvoru odpornosti znotraj rodu Lycopersicum (vključujoč raziskave obrambnih mehanizmov osnov odpornosti). Vendar pa je dosegljivo malo podatkov o biologiji patogena in o znotraj vrstnih razlikah. V tem prispevku predstavljamo novejše podatke o patogenu s poudarkom na lastnih raziskavah. V prispevku je osvetljena problematika identifikacije patogena. Zaradi odsotnosti teleomorfnega stadija je bila otežkočena natančna taksonomska uvrstitev glive. Zadnje raziskave, ki vključujejo primerjalna morfološka opazovanja in genetske analize, kažejo na to, da je mogoče O. lycopersici uvrstiti v Erysiphe sect. Erysiphe in da je skoraj identična z Erysiphe aquilegiae var. ranunculi. Iskanja divjih vrst Lycopersicon, odpornih za O. lycopersici, so razkrila dragocene izvire odpornosti, večinoma med L. hirsutum in L. pennellii (kar so potrdila testiranja s štirimi različnimi izolati O. lycopersici). Ugotovljena pa je bila tudi velika občutljivost za L. esculentum var. cerasiforme in L. pimpinellifolium. V okviru raziskav gostiteljev smo razen alternativnih gostiteljev za Oidium lycopersici ugotovili visoko stopnjo variabilnosti glede patotipov (formae specialis). Druge raziskave pa so pokazale, da so izolati vrste O. lycopersici različno patogeni za gostiteljske rodove in/ali vrste. Med kultivarji in linijami Lycopersicum esculentum niso našli signifikantnih razlik v odpornosti za O. lycopersici zaradi njegove velike občutljivosti. V prispevku navajamo prve jasne dokaze za pojav rasne specifičnosti v interakcijah divjih Lycopersicum vrst – O. lycopersici in za obstoj ras pri glivi O. lycopersici. Navajamo tudi mehanizme in podlage za odpornost pri Lycopersicum spp. V bodoče bo potrebno pospešiti tovrstne raziskave s klasičnimi, biokemijskimi in molekulskimi metodami.




  Tomato powdery mildew – a new dangerous disease in Europe


Tomato powdery mildew (Oidium lycopersici) has attracted the attention of plant pathologists and breeders for more than 10 years, since it started  to cause epidemics on tomato. It is dangerous pathogen which spreaded through  temperate areas in the Old and New Worlds, and which  origin  is not exactly known  (probably mutation of unknown species). Till now the experimental studies were concentrated mainly on  morphological characterization of this pathogen, host range and searching for resistance sources within genus Lycopersicon (including study of defence mechanisms and basis of resistance). However, less  data is available on biology of this pathogen and its intraspecific variation. Authors in their contribution summarized recent information on this pathogen, with emphasis on their own experimental data.

In survey are enlighted problems of pathogen identification, because absence of teleomorph stage did not allow its exact taxonomic classification. Recent studies, including comparative morphological observations and genetical analysis, show  that O. lycopersici  can be referred to Erysiphe sect. Erysiphe and it is nearly identical to Erysiphe aquilegiae var. ranunculi. Screening of wild Lycopersicon spp. for resistance to O. lycopersici revealed valuable sources of resistance, mainly among L. hirsutum and L. pennellii (confirmed by testing with four different O. lycopersici isolates), opposite to high susceptibility recorded in L. esculentum var. cerasiforme and  L. pimpinellifolium. Host range studies, besides detecting of some alternative hosts of Oidium lycopersici, showed  high intraspecific variability on the level of pathotypes (formae speciales). Other studies confirmed that O. lycopersici isolates may also differ in pathogenicity within one plant genus and/or species. Among Lycopersicon esculentum cultivars and lines there was not found significant variation for resistance to O. lycopersici, because of their high susceptibility. However, authors give the first clear evidence about phenomenon of race-specificity in interaction wild Lycopersicon spp. - O. lycopersici and existence of tomato powdery mildew races. Information regarding recently detected mechanisms and basis of resistance in Lycopersicon spp. is also mentioned. However, more research based on classical, biochemical and molecular approaches is needed.