Poljoprivredni fakultet, Institut za zaštitu bilja i životne sredine,  21000 Novi Sad, Jugoslavija
Naučni institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo,  21000 Novi Sad, Jugoslavija


Najpomembnejša ukrepa za zatiranje fitopatogenih gliv, ki okužujejo pšenično zrnje sta: setev odpornih sort in tretiranje semena s fungicidi. Uporaba fungicidov za razkuževanje semena pšenice je v Jugoslaviji zakonsko urejena in do zdaj je za ta namen registriranih 15 pripravkov. Namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti stranske učinke fungicidov za razkuževanje semena pšenice (Triticum durum Desf.) pri sorti 'novosadska rana 5'.

Seme smo tretirali z naslednjimi pripravki: dividend star 036 FS, dividend 030 FS, maxim star 025 FS, vitavax 200 FF, vitavax extra, raxil 060 FS, raxil-T515 FS, raxil-S 040 FS, vincit F, zorosan tečni, baytan universal 19,5 WS, mankogal S, sumiosam " FS, real 300 in temetid super. Poskus je bil istočasno postavljen na dveh mikrolokacijah v štirih ponovitvah (n = 4 ali 8).

Podatki o delovanju fungicidov so prikazani z relativnimi vrednostmi za kalivost, izraženi v probit skali s korekcijskim členom za 95 in 97,5 % interval zaupanja, v skladu s pravilnikom. V omenjenih intervalih zaupanja pripravki dividend 030 FS, vitavax extra, raxil-T515 FS, raxil-S 040 FS, vincit F, baytan universal 19,5 WS in real 300 v primerjavi s kontrolo niso vplivali na kalivost pšenice. Pripravka dividend star 036 FS in mankogal S sta statistično značilno vplivala na povečanje kalivosti. Poskuse o vplivu pripravkov maxim star 025 FS, raxil 060 FS, zorosan tečni in temetid super na kalivost pšenice, bi bilo potrebno ponoviti. Uporabljeni pripravki dividend star 036 FS, dividend 030 FS, raxil-T515 FS, mankogal S in temetid super so vplivali na zmanjšanje variabilnosti med ponovitvami in s tem na večjo izenačenost kalivosti v predpisanih mejah odstopanja. Pri obeh intervalih zaupanja je vitavax 200 FF statistično značilno vplival na podaljšanje bili, medtem ko so v primerjavi s kontrolo pripravki dividend star 036 FS, maxim star 025 FS, vincit F in baytan universal 19,5 vplivali na skrajšanje bili. Noben pripravek ni imel vpliva na podaljšanje korenin, medtem ko je pripravek baytan universal 19,5 WS statistično značilno vplival na skrajšanje korenin.





Growing of resistant varieties and fungicide seed treatment are considered to be the most significant measures used to control the phytopatogenic fungi endangering the wheat seeds. Application of fungicides for wheat seed protection in Yugoslavia is regulated by the Law, and up to now some 15 preparations have been registered for this purpose. The aim of this paper was to study the influence of fungicide treatment on wheat seed (Triticum durum Desf, Novosadska Rana 5 variety).

The following preparations were applied to the seed: Dividend star 036 FS, Dividend 030 FS, Maxim star 025 FS, Vitavax 200 FF, Vitavax extra, Raxil 060 FS, Raxil-T 515 FS, Raxil-S 040 FS, Vincit F, Liquid Zorosan, Baytan universal 19.5 WS, Mancogal S, Sumiosam 2 FS, Real 300, and Temetid super. The trial was set in four replications (n=4 or 8), and on two samples (I and II).

The data on fungicide performance are given in relative values for germination, probits and corrected values, for reliability intervals of 95, and 97.5% according to the Rules. For the above-mentioned reliability intervals the preparations Dividend 030 FS, Vitavax extra, Raxil-T515 FS, Raxil-S 040 FS, Vincit F, Baytan universal 19.5 WS, and Real 300 had no influence on wheat seed germination in relation to control. Dividend star 036, and FS Mancogal S significantly increased the germination, while the study of the influence of Maxim star 025 FS, Raxil 060 FS, liquid Zorosan, and Temetid super on germination should be repeated. Decreased variability between repetitions, i.e. higher uniformity of germination given in the limits of permitted deviations was achieved by application of the following preparations: Dividend star 036 FS, Dividend 030 FS, Raxil-T515 FS, Mancogal S and Temetid super.

Significant elongation of the stem for both reliability intervals was achieved by application of Vitavax 200 FF. Significant shortening of the stem in relation to control was achieved by application of Dividend star 036 FS, Maxim star 025 FS, Vincit F, and Baytan universal 19.5 WS. Elongation of root for both reliability intervals was not observed upon application of the studied preparations for seed treatment. Baytan universal 19.5 WS caused significant shortening of the wheat root in relation to control.