d.o.o., 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija
AQ-10 je novi biofungicid na
osnovi spor glive Ampelomyces quisqualis.
Uporablja se za zatiranje pepelovk. Bakterija
"parazitira" pepelovke številnih gojenih rastlin in jih na ta način
zatre. Pripravek je registriran v Ameriki že od l. 1994, nekaj let že tudi v
nekaterih evropskih državah (Švica, Anglija, Francija ....), od lani pa tudi v
AQ-10 se uporablja za učinkovito
in biotično zatiranje pepelovk. AQ-10 ni
selektiven za specifične soje pepelovk, ampak parazitira vse vrste pepelovk ne
glede na gojeno rastlino. Za aktivacijo potrebuje 60% relativne zračne vlage,
zato se priporoča škropljenje zgodaj zjutraj ali proti večeru, ob dodatku
lepila/močila. Ko spore AQ-10
penetrirajo v micelij (v 2-4 urah), njihova učinkovitost ni več odvisna od
zunanjih vplivov. AQ-10 je v
predvsem preventivni pripravek, ki pa deluje tudi "eradikativno" in je
učinkovit tudi proti prezimelim micelijem pepelovk, kakor tudi proti svežim
infekcijam med rastno dobo. Škropimo preventivno pred pojavom simptomov ali
najkasneje, ko opazimo tri pege na 100 listov ali plodov. AQ-10
ima zelo kratko karenco, le 24 ur, zato ga lahko uporabljamo praktično
do trgatve. To je zelo pomembno v pridelavi zelenjave, pa tudi pri poznih
infekcijah z oidijem na vinski trti, ko drugih pripravkov ni več mogoče
uporabljati. V registracijskih
poskusih pri nas je AQ-10 pokazal visoko učinkovitost pri zatiranju oidija na
vinski trti in pepelovk na zelenjavi.
AQ-10 je v državah, kjer je
že registriran, postal nepogrešljiv pripravek v integrirani in še posebej
biotični pridelavi zelenjave, grozdja in sadja.
V referatu so opisane
lastnosti, način delovanja, možnosti uporabe ter rezultati poskusov v
Sloveniji in tujini. AQ-10 naj bi se v Sloveniji na tržišču pojavil že
is a new biofungicide that
contains fungal spores of Ampelomyces
qisqualis for the control of powdery mildew by parasiting
and killing the fungal organisms that cause the disease. The product has
been registered in USA in1994 already; some years
it has been registered in
some European countries (Swiss, Great Britain, France…), too,
from last year also in Italy.
AQ-10 is approved for the efficient and biotical use of Powdery Mildew. AQ-10 is not selective for specific strains of Powdery Mildew but parasites the fungal organisms on various crops. For its activation it needs 60% of air humidity therefore application should be made in the early morning or late evening when the humidity is at its highest, with the addition of some wetting agent. When spores of AQ-10 penetrate into Powdery Mildew mycelia (2-4 hours) their efficacy is depending on external influences not any more. AQ-10 is mostly preventive product but it acts also »eradicatively« and is efficient also against mycelia which passed the winter. Initial application should begin before the appearance of the symptoms and at the latest when three spots on 100 leaves or fruits have been observed. AQ- 10 has very short pre-harvest interval, only 24 hours, so it can be applied up to and including the day of harvest. It is very important at the production of vegetables and at late infections with Powdery Mildew on vine plant when the other products can be used not any more. In registration trials, AQ-10 showed high efficacy at Powdery Mildew control on vine plant and vegetables.
In countries when AQ –10 has been
registered, it is indispensable
product in integrated and especially
biotical production of vegetables, grapes and fruit.
In the lecture, the
properties, mode of action, possibilities for the use and results of trials in
Slovenia and abroad, have been described. AQ-10 should be on the market this
season in Slovenia.