Nova sistemična fungicida proti glivam
Melody Duo in Melody Combi - uglašena na zdrav
PHARMA d.o.o., SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija
Učinkovina iprovalikarb je
nov fungicid za zatiranje gliv plesnivk na vinski trti, krompirju in vrtninah.
Spada v novo odkrito skupino aminokislinskih amid-karbamatov. V sredstvu Melody
Duo je iprovalikarbu dodana dotikalna učinkovina propineb, v Melody Combiju pa
Iprovalikarb je sistemična
učinkovina, ki preprečuje rast kličnega mešička zoospor, sporangijev, rast
micelija in sporulacijo gliv plesnivk. Deluje preventivno, kurativno in
eradikativno. Po rastlini se premešča akropetalno in varuje tudi na novo
zrasle poganjke. Način delovanja se razlikuje od dosedaj znanih sredstev, zato
ni nevarnosti navzkrižne rezistence. Sredstvi imata zelo ugoden toksikološki
in ekotoksikološki profil, kar jima omogoča uvrstitev v programe integrirane
pridelave. Melody Duo je v poskusih pokazal odlično delovanje proti krompirjevi
plesni (Phytophthora infestans) in peronospori vinske trte (Plasmopara
viticola), Melody Combi pa proti peronospori vinske trte (Plasmopara
viticola). Zaradi svojega načina delovanja sta vsekakor dobrodošli
sredstvi v antirezistenčni strategiji.
New systemic fungicides against diseases caused
by fungi:
Melody Duo and Melody Combi, composed for a healthy crop
The active ingredient
iprovalicarb is a new fungicide against diseases cauesed by fungi on grapes,
potatoe and vegetables. It belongs to the newly developed group of carbamic acid
isopropylesters. The active ingredient propineb is added to iprovalicarb in
Melody Duo, the active ingredient folpet in Melody Combi.
Iprovalicarb is a highly
active systemic ingredient preventing the formation of sporangia and spores. Its
very high efficacy is protective, curative and eradicative. After penetrating
into the plant tissue it is transported acropetally protecting also the new
sprouts. The mechanism of action is different from that performed by other known
products therefore the cross-resistance is not to be expected. Both products
show a very good toxicological and environmental profile therefore should be
used in the integrated production program. The results of the field trials show
an exceptional efficacy of Melody Duo against late blight (Phytophthora infestans), downy mildew (Plasmopara viticola) and that of Melody Combi against downy mildew (Plasmopara
viticola). Due to the advantages offered by both products they
are by all means highly recomended for the antiresistant strategy.