Franc JURŠA, Bernarda Kajzer

Agroruše d.o.o., SI-2342 Ruše, Slovenija  

Pepelovka vinske trte oz. oidij je ena najbolj pogostih bolezni, ki med rastno dobo okuži vse zelene dele vinske trte. Posebej močno se pojavlja na grozdih in s tem je gospodarska škoda tudi največja. V zadnjih desetletjih se pojavljajo v raziskavah in nato na trgu novi fungicidi proti tej bolezni. Eden od teh je tudi CRYSTAL, proizvod koncerna Dow Agrosciences, ki ga na slovenskem trgu predstavlja in trži družba Agroruše.

CRYSTAL, fungicid proti pepelovki vsebuje popolnoma novo aktivno snov - kvinoksifen. Formulacija pripravka je koncentrirana suspenzija (SC). CRYSTAL vsebuje 250 g/l aktivne snovi. Sredstvo ima le preventivno delovanje proti pepelovki in ga zato preventivno uporabljamo. Priporočen čas uporabe je od začetka cvetenja do zapiranja grozdov. Ob uporabi 750 - 1000 l vode/ha je priporočen odmerek 0,15 do 0,2  l /ha. Ob pričakovanih močnih okužbah je priporočen presledek med škropljenji 8-10 dni, pri manjših okužbah pa 10 -12 dni. Pri uporabi se CRYSTAL lahko meša z večino sredstev za varstvo rastlin in foliarnimi gnojili. CRYSTAL je primeren tudi za integrirano varstvo vinske trte. Karenca je 21 dni za namizne sorte in 30 dni za vinske sorte. Kvinoksifen ima popolnoma nov način delovanja, ki izključuje možnost pojava navzkrižne rezistence. Ima tudi edinstven način redistribucije oz. premeščanja z listov v jagode, ki je pogojeno z močno afiniteto kvinoksifena z voščeno prevleko na jagodah. Zaradi tega naknadnega premeščanja zagotavlja CRYSTAL dobro in dolgotrajno varstvo pred okužbami s pepelovko.






Vine powdery mildew or oidium is one of  the most frequently diseases which attack all green parts of vine during the period of vegetation. It is appear very strong on a bunch of grapes and the agricultural damage is the greatest by that. In last ten years, new fungicides against that disease are to appear in researches and than in the market. One of them is  CRYSTAL, a new product of concern Dow Agrosciences, which is in Slovene market  presented  by company Agroruše.

CRYSTAL, a new fungicide contents completely new active substance - quinoxifen. This plant protection agent is available as a concentrated  suspension (SC). CRYSTAL contents  250 g/l of active substance. It acts preventively against oidium. Recommended  application time is from beginning of blossoming to closing bunch of grapes. Recommended dose of CRYSTAL  is  0,15 - 0,2 l/ha by using  750 - 1000  litre of  water pear hectare. The intervals between individual sprayings should be 10-12 days. If the risk of infection is very high, these intervals should be 8-10 days. CRYSTAL can be mixed with most of the plant protection products and with foliar fertiliser. CRYSTAL is suitable for integrated protection of vine, too.

Pre - harvest interval for table grapes is 21 days and for vine sorts of grapes 30 days. Quinoxifen has completely new way of action which excludes possibility to appear crosswise resistance. It has unique way of transfer from leaves to grapes which is conditional with strong affinity to wax  coat. Because of that subsequently transfer CRYSTAL assured good and lasting protection  from infection with oidium.