Agro d.o.o., SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija
Azoksistrobin je drugi
fungicid iz skupine strobilurinov, ki je prišel na tržišče, kjer je zaradi
široke možnosti uporabe in ugodnih biotičnih lastnosti prevzel vodilno mesto
na trgu strobilurinov.
Azoksistrobin deluje na
bolezni rastlin iz vseh glavnih razredov (Ascomycetes,
Basidiomycetes, Deuteromycetes, Oomycetes). Zaradi izredno dobrega delovanja
na glive iz razreda Oomycetes, še
posebej izstopa v skupini strobilurinov. Širino delovanja azoksistrobina
potrjujejo številne registracije po svetu pri vseh glavnih gojenih rastlinah
(vinska trta, vrtnine, poljščine, okrasne rastline).
Za razliko od ostalih
strobilurinov se azoksistrobin premešča po rastlini sistemično preko ksilema.
Po rastlinskem tkivu se v primerjavi z znanimi sistemiki počasneje translocira,
kar mu omogoča zelo izenačeno razporeditev po listu v daljšem časovnem
obdobju, obenem pa preprečuje kopičenje aktivne snovi na konicah listov. Močno
in zanesljivo translaminarno delovanje je izjemno močno izraženo pri varstvu
vinske trte pred peronosporo.
Azoksistrobin učinkovito
zatira različne stadije gliv, delovanje je posebno dobro v času, ko ima gliva
največje energetske potrebe. Azoksistrobin inhibira dihanje v mitohondrijih,
tako da prepreči prenos elektronov med citokromoma B in C1 v
energetsko bogatih procesih tvorbe ATP.
V primeru peronospore vinske
trte azoksistrobin odlično deluje na gibljive zoospore, preprečuje tvorbo
micelija in sproščanje zoospor iz sporangijev.
Najboljše delovanje na
peronosporo vinske trte dosežemo s preventivno rabo, čeprav ima azoksistrobin
tudi kurativno delovanje, ki se kaže predvsem kot propad micelija.
Rastline tretirane z azoksistrobinom so intenzivno zeleno obarvane (t. im. “greening effect”), kar kaže na intezivno fotosintetsko aktivnost listnega zelenila, to pa naj bi bil glavni razlog za povečanje pridelka predvsem na enoletnih rastlinah. Povečanje pridelka pogojuje zbir dejavnikov, med katerimi imajo pomembno mesto učinkovito delovanje azoksistrobina na širok spekter bolezni in saprofitov, dobra selektivnost, vpliv na translokacijo asimilatov ter vpliv na izrabo vode.
Rastlinske bolezni lahko ob
nepravilni rabi relativno hitro pridobijo odpornost na strobilurine, zato je
FRAC izdal priporočila o številu in načinu aplikacij strobilurinov pri vseh
pomembnejših gojenih rastlinah.
Azoxystrobin was the second
fungicide from the group of strobilurines to be put on the market. Due to its
broad spectrum of application and favourable biotical properties it has gained
the leading role on the strobilurine market.
Azoxystrobin gives good
control against diseases of plants belonging to all the main classes (Ascomycetes,
Basidiomycetes, Deuteromycetes, Oomycetes). Thanks to its excellent activity
against fungi from Oomycetes class it
has an outstanding position in the strobilurine group. Surely, the numerous
registrations of azoxystrobin in all the major crops (grapevine, vegetables,
agricultural crops, ornamentals) are a proof of its wide activity.
As distinguished from other
strobilurines, azoxystrobin is transferred through the plant systemically via
the xylem. It is translocated through the plant tissue at a lower rate as
compared to other systemics. This enables very even distribution in the leaves
during a longer period of time, whereas at the same time it prevents the
accumulation of the active
substance at the leaf tips and margins. Strong and reliable translaminar
activity is especially distinctive in the protection
against grapevine downy mildew.
Azoxystrobin provides
excellent control at different stages of fungal development. Its shows
particularly good activity when the fungus has highest energy demands.
Azoxytrobine inhibits mitochondrial respiration by blocking electron transfer
between cytochrome B and cytochrome C1 in energetically reach ATP formation
In case of grapevine downy
mildew, azoxystrobin has excellent activity on motile zoospores, it prevents the
formation of mycelium and the
release of zoospores from sporangia.
The best effect on grapevine
downy mildew can be achieved by preventive application, even though azoxystrobin
also has curative activity which is demonstrated mainly as mycelial collapse.
The plants treated with
azoxystrobine have intensive green colour (s. c. »greening effect«) which
indicates photosynthetic activity of chlorophyll. This is supposed to be the
main reason for yield increase, particularly in annual crops. The yield increase
is conditional upon various factors, the most important of which are effective
azoxystrobin activity on a broad spectrum of diseases and saprophytes, good
selectivity, impact on translocation of assimilats and influence on water use.
In case of improper use of
azoxystrobin, the plant diseases gain resistance to strobilurines in a
relatively short time. For this reason FRAC has given recommendations on the
number and mode of strobilurine application
in all major crops.