Uporaba molekularnih metod za določanje fitopatogenih bakterij na
primeru Erwinia
amylovora (Burrill)
Winslow et al.
DEMŠAR, Nataša PETROVIČ, Dejan ŠTEBIH, Tanja DREO, Aleš Blatnik in Maja RAVNIKAR
Nacionalni inštitut za
biologijo, Oddelek za rastlinsko fiziologijo in biotehnologijo, SI-1000
Ljubljana, Slovenija
hrušev ožig je karantenska bolezen sadnega drevja in nekaterih okrasnih
rastlin. Bolezen je zastopana že skoraj po vseh državah Evrope, tudi pri naših
sosedih, zato njen morebitni vnos predstavlja resno grožnjo za pridelavo hrušk,
jabolk in drugega sadilnega materiala.
Postopek laboratorijskega
testiranja, ki ga predpisuje organizacija EPPO (European Plant Protection
Organization), temelji na izolaciji bakterije Erwinia
amylovora na semiselektivnih in neselektivnih gojiščih, seroloških
tehnikah (aglutinacija in imunofluorescenčni test) in testu patogenosti na
nezrelih plodovih hrušk. Kot dopolnilo klasičnim laboratorijskim testom smo
uvedli molekularno metodo PCR (polimerazna verižna reakcija) za potrditev
izolirane bakterijske kulture, ki hkrati omogoča razlikovanje od bakterije Pseudomonas
syringae pv. syringae, povzročiteljice
bolezni z zelo podobnimi simptomi, in od drugih pogostih bakterij sadnega
V prispevku predstavljamo
rezultate testov PCR z uporabo različnih začetnih oligonukleotidov, ki specifično
pomnožujejo fragmente bakterijske DNK, in njihovo uporabnost pri rutinskem
The use of molecular biology methods for
detection of phytopathogenic
bacteria: the study case of Erwinia
amylovora (Burrill) Winslow
et al.
Fireblight is a quarantine
bacterial disease on fruit trees and ornamental plants recorded in most European
countries. The fact that fireblight is present in all countries neighbouring
Slovenia represents a very high possibility of it's introduction to Slovenia,
which is a serious treat to Slovenian fruit growing, especially production of
pears and apples.
We have introduced a
laboratory testing scheme for a reliable detection of Erwinia
amylovora (Ea), the bacterial agent causing fireblight disease. A testing
procedure reccomended by EPPO (European Plant Protection Organization) includes:
isolation of Ea by plating on semiselective and non-selective media, serological
methods (agglutination and immunofluorescence) and pathogenicity test on young
pear fruits. As an addition to all these classical laboratory tests we have
introduced a molecular biology based method, which both confirms the Ea in a
bacterial culture, and enables to distinguish Ea from other bacteria such as Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae,
a causal agent of a disease similar to fireblight regarding the symptoms, and
from other frequently present bacteria on fruit trees.
The results of PCR testing
with the use of different primers, which amplify bacterial DNA, and their use
for a routine testing scheme of Ea will be discussed.