Gabriella KAZINCZI, József HORVÁTH and András TAKÁCS

Universitiy of Veszprém, Georgikon Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, H-8361 Keszthely, Hungary


 Pleveli ne vplivajo na kakovost in količino pridelkov gojenih rastlin samo neposredno (n. pr. konkurenčen odnos za hranila in vodo), temveč vplivajo tudi posredno kot alternativni  gostitelji za številne škodljive organizme. Alternativni gostitelji predstavljajo vir hrane za prenašalce virusov, medtem ko imajo semena in vegetativni razmnoževalni organi nekaterih plevelnih vrst pomembno vlogo pri prezimitvi virusov. Namen naše raziskave je bil ugotoviti nove odnose virus-plevel ter preučiti biotično propadanje plevelov zaradi infekcije z virusi. V zadnjih letih so bili ugotovljeni nekateri novi odnosi med virusi in pleveli. Lucernin mozaik,  alfamovirus (AMV), tobakov mozaik, tobamovirus (TMV) iz Asclepias syriaca; sojin mozaik,  sobemovirus (SoMV), krompirjev Y potyvirus (PVY) iz Alisma plantago-aquatica; kumarični mozaik, cucumovirus (CMV) iz Ambrosia elatior so bili virusi, ki so jih na Madžarskem izolirali v naravnih razmerah. Opravljene so bile različne raziskave, s katerimi so preučevali vpliv infekcije s SoMV ter okoljske dejavnike na kalitev ter vitalnost Chenopodium vrst. Iz raziskave je mogoče razbrati, da okoljski dejavniki vplivajo na kalitev semena Chenopodium vrst v večjem obsegu kot okužba z virusi. Kalitev ter vitalnost semena Chenopodium vrst je bila zaradi okužbe z virusi zmanjšana za 6-21 % in 1-23 %, odvisno od vrste. CMV statistično značilno zmanjša odstotek vsebnosti fotosintetskega pigmenta v listih Datura stramonium, medtem ko henbane mosaik potyvirus (HeMV) povzroča motnje pri preskrbi z vodo. TMV infekcija občutno vpliva na zmanjšanje višine, sveže in suhe mase, mezo in mikroelementov Solanum nigrum. Nasproten učinek smo opazili v primeru kalija (K), katerega vsebnost se je občutno povečala v listih, ki so bili okuženi s TMV.  Sklenemo lahko, da virusi neugodno vplivajo na fiziološke procese pri plevelih, zaradi česar lahko na posreden način pripomorejo k zmanjšanju njihove konkurenčne sposobnosti.






Weeds influence the quality and quantity of crops not only in a direct way (e.g. by competing for nutrients and water) but also indirectly as alternative hosts of various pathogens. Alternative hosts serve as food for the vectors of viruses, while the seeds and vegetative reproductive organs of certain weed species may play important role in the epidemiology and overwintering of viruses. The aim of our investigations was to detect new virus-weed relations and to study biological decline of weeds due to virus infection. Last years some new host-virus relations were determined. Alfalfa mosaic alfamovirus (AMV), tobacco mosaic tobamovirus (TMV) from Asclepias syriaca; soybeane mosaic sobemovirus (SoMV), potato Y potyvirus (PVY) from Alisma plantago-aquatica; cucumber mosaic cucumovirus (CMV) from Ambrosia elatior were isolated under natural conditions in Hungary. Different examinations were carried out to study the effect of SoMV infection and autecological factors on the germination and seed viability of Chenopodium species. It could be shown that autecological factors influenced the germination of Chenopodium seeds to a greater extent, than did virus infection. Germination and seed viability of Chenopodium species due to virus infection was reduced by 6-21% and 1-23%, respectively, depending on species. CMV significantly reduced the photosynthetic pigment content of Datura stramonium leaves, while henbane mosaic potyvirus (HeMV) caused disturbances in water relation. TMV infection considerably decreased the height, fresh and dry weight, meso- and microelements of Solanum nigrum. Opposite effect was observed in case of potassium (K) content which were considerably enhanced in the TMV infected leaves. We conclude that viruses unfavourably influence the physiological processes of the weeds, therefore -in indirect way- viruses may contribute to the reduction of their competitive ability.