Solanum stoloniferum
IN S. tarnii KOT VIRI
József Horváth,
András Takács and Gabriella
of Veszprém, Georgikon Faculty of Agriculture Sciences, H-8361 Keszthely ,
Krompir je zaradi svoje
prehrambene vrednosti ena izmed naših
najpomembnejših kmetijskih rastlin. Med gojenimi rastlinami ima krompir največ
bolezni in škodljivcev. Krompirjev virus Y (PVY) pripada rodu Potyvirus in družini Potyviroidae, ki tvori največjo znano in
ekonomsko najpomembnejšo družino rastlinskih virusov. Nov sev PVY virusa, ki
povzroča močno izražene nekrotične obročke na krompirjevih gomoljih, je na
Madžarskem prvič izoliral Beczner
s sod. (1982). Sev pripada nekrotični skupini PVY. Sev je poimenoval Horváth
(1992) in to ime je sprejela Virološka sekcija EAPR (Evropska zveza za
raziskave krompirja). Akronim tega novega seva je PVY N(ew) T(uber) N(ecrosis)
, torej PVY virus z novo nekrozo na gomoljih. Bolezen obročkasta nekroza
krompirjevih gomoljev (PTNRD) prepoznamo po površinskih lokih in obročkih
okrog očes, ki so najprej izbočeni, nato pa udrti in nekrotični. Domnevajo,
da lahko PVYNTN premaga
odpornost na polju pri številnih krompirjevih kultivarjih. Ta sev virusa se je
razselil po vsej Evropi in drugod
po svetu. Odkrivanje virov odpornosti je zelo pomembno, zato smo preskušali
divje vrste iz rodu Solanum na njihovo
občutljivost ali odpornost proti NTN sevu PVY virusa. Smoter te raziskave je
bil ugotavljanje potencialnih virov odpornosti med divjimi vrstami iz rodu Solanum,
ki bi jih lahko uporabili v žlahtnjiteljskih programih. Proučili smo več kot
100 divjih vrst in akcesij iz rodu Solanum in našli nekaj vrst in akcesij, odpornih poti PVYNTN.
Med odpornimi vrstani bi lahko za žlahtnjenje uporabili Solanum
stoloniferum in S.
tarnii. Ti dve vrsti sta bili imuni na okužbo z
PVYNTN. Trenutno vzgajamo odporne kultivarje s križanjem s Solanum
stoloniferum in S.
tarnii (t.j. 'Szignal').
is one of our most important crop because of its rule supplying with food. Out
of the cultivated plants potato has the most pathogens. Potato Y potyvirus
(PVY) is the type member of potyvirus
genus of Potyviridae family, which constitutes
the largest known and economically most important family of plant viruses.
A new strain of PVY, which produces severe necrotic ring symptoms on potato
tubers was isolated at the first time by Beczner et
al. (1982) in Hungary. This strain belongs to the tobacco veinal necrosis
strain group. The new strain was named by Horváth (1992) which was accepted by
the Virology Section of EAPR (European Association for Potato Research). The
acronym of this new strain is:
PVYN(ew) T(uber) N(ecrosis)=PVYNTN. The potato tuber
necrotic ringspot disease (PTNRD) is identified by superficial bows and rings
around the eyes, first protruding, later becoming sunken and necrotic.
Furthermore PVYNTN is suspected to overcome field resistance of
numerous potato cultivars therefore, this is a resistance breaking strain of PVY.
This virus strain became distributed throughout Europe and other parts of the
word. The identification of resistance sources is of great importance, therefore
experiments were carried out with wild Solanum species for determining their susceptibility or resistance
to NTN strain of PVY. The
objective of the study was to identify potential resistance sources among the
wild Solanum species that could be
used in the potato breeding program. We have studied more than 100 wild Solanum
species and accessions to PVYNTN. It was found some resistance
species and accessions. Currently potato cultivars, resistant to PVY are derived
from S. stoloniferum
(e.g. ‘Szignal’). Out of the resistance species some accessions of Solanum
stoloniferum and S. tarnii
could be used in the potato breeding. They were immune to the PVYNTN