Vladimir GAAR

State Phytosanitary Administration of the Czech Republic, Diagnostic Laboratory, Czech Republic


Prvi pojav rumene krompirjeve ogorčice, Globodera rostochiensis, je bil na Češkem zabeležen in potrjen leta 1954. Po tem je bil organiziran sistematični nadzor, ki je temeljil na pregledovanju krompirjevih korenin in/ali laboratorijskih analizah talnih vzorcev s pomočjo  flotacijske tehnike. Identifikacija vrste je temeljila na morfometrijskih značilnostih in primerjavi najdenih primerkov s standardnimi (referenčnimi) materiali. V osemdesetih letih smo na Češkem naleteli na izredno veliko število novih žarišč rumene krompirjeve ogorčice. Trenutno imamo registriranih več kot 1000, v glavnem manjših, nahajališč (njiv) obravnavanega škodljivca, ki so večinoma v lasti zasebnih pridelovalcev. Vrsta G. rostochiensis povzroča na teh zemljiščih občuten izpad pridelka krompirja. V območjih, kjer se na Češkem prideluje semenski krompir, je na srečo zastopanost krompirjevih ogorčic zelo redka, kar je verjetno posledica ozaveščenosti pridelovalcev, ki upoštevajo ustrezne fitosanitarne zahteve. Sistematični nadzor in identifikacija krompirjevih ogorčic poteka v okviru regijskih diagnostičnih laboratorijev, ki so organizirani v sklopu državne fitosanitarne službe. Razvoj diagnostičnih metod (npr. PCR) poteka v sodelovanju s Češko kmetijsko Univerzo - The Czech Agricultural University. V teku so raziskave o zastopanosti oziroma razširjenosti novih biotičnih ras krompirjevih ogorčic. V poznih devedesetih smo pri nas ugotovili tudi belo krompirjevo ogorčico, G. pallida, na katero pa smo naleteli le v nekaj vzorcih uvoženega krompirja. Varstvo rastlin temelji na upoštevanju zahtevanega kolobarja, pridelovanju odpornih kultivarjev krompirja ter upoštevanju fitosanitarnih predpisov, ki vključujejo tudi karantenske ukrepe. Kemičnega zatiranja krompirjevih ogorčic ne uporabljamo. Predpisani varstveni ukrepi se omilijo šele potem, ko preteče najmanj deset let od trenutka, ko je bila krompirjeva ogorčica na neki njivi zadnjič najdena; ugotovitev, da  tega škodljivca ni več, pa mora biti hkrati potrjen tudi z biološkim testom.  






The first occurrence of Globodera rostochiensis was recorded and confirmed in 1954. After this, the first surveys were organised. These surveys were done by visually observing the potato roots and/or by analyses of soil samples, when the flotation technique was used. Diagnostics were performed by morphometrical methods and by comparing the found material with standards. In the 1980s, an enormous number of new occurrences of PCN were found. In the Czech republic, PCN is currently present in more than 1.000 land registers, mostly in small areas on private plots, where serious yield losses have been observed. Fortunately, the occurrence of PCN in areas used for seed potatoes is very rare, which may be the result of producers’ adherence to charged phytosanitary measures. The survey and diagnostics are carried out in the Regional Diagnostics Laboratories of The State Phytosanitary Administration. The development of diagnostics methods is done in cooperation with The Czech Agricultural University (e. g., the PCR method). The investigation for the occurrence of the new PCN pathotypes is still being performed. In late 1990s, the first occurrence of Globodera pallida in our country was discovered. Until this time, this nematode had been found only in a few samples of imported potatoes. Control measures consist of required crop rotations, the use of PCN-resistant varieties, and by plant-health legislation, including quarantine measures. Chemical control is not used. Control measures are relaxed only after at least 10 years have passed since the last positive finding of PCN, determined by flotation measurement techniques and after this negative result has been confirmed by biological methods.