Praktične izkušnje zatiranja kostanjevega listnega zavrtača (Cameraria ohridella Deschka&Dimić) na divjem kostanju (Aesculus hippocastanum)  s sredstvom Confidor SL 200 (imidakloprid)

Peter Koršič
1, Matjaž Jančar2

1 PINUS TKI d.d., SI-2327 Rače, Slovenija,  
Kmetijsko veterinarski zavod Nova Gorica, SI-5000 Nova Gorica, Slovenija


Kostanjev listni zavrtač (Cameraria ohridella Deschka&Dimić), katerega smo na Primorskem prvič opazili leta 1995, je v zadnjih letih postal najpomembnejši škodljivec divjega kostanja (Aesculus hippocastanum) na območju vse Slovenije. Ob močnejšem napadu navadno že sredi poletja povzroči popolno defoliacijo splošno razširjenega parkovnega okrasnega drevesa.

Zaradi izredno velike škode, ki jo škodljivec povzroča in vse večjega zanimanja za varstvo divjega kostanja smo v letu 2000 izvedli več demonstracijskih poskusov s sredstvom na osnovi imidakloprida – Confidor SL 200. Drevesa smo škropili in injektirali sredstvo v drevesno deblo. Pri slednji gre za okolju prijaznejšo tehniko aplikacije, pri kateri smo izkoristili izjemno sistemično delovanje sredstva.

V prispevku je opisana tehnika in roki poskusnih aplikacij, pri katerih smo dobili zelo spodbudne in za prakso uporabne rezultate. Opisane so tudi tehnike aplikacij, ki se v ta namen uporabljajo.



Practical experience in controlling Cameraria ohridella Deschka&Dimić on wild chestnut-tree (Aesculus hippocastanum) by means of Confidor SL 200 (imidacloprid)


Cameraria ohridella Deschka&Dimić which was noticed in Costal region for the first time in 1995, has in recent years become the most important pest on wild chestnut-tree (Aesculus hippocastanum) in the territory of the entire Slovenia. In case of heavy infestation – usually in the middle of summer – it causes a complete defoliation of a widespread ornamental park tree.

Due to the enormous damage caused by the pest and to increasing interest in the protection of wild chestnut-tree, several demonstration trials were conducted in 2000, in which the preparation based on imidacloprid – Confidor SL 200 – was used. Trees were sprayed and the preparation was injected in the trunk of the tree. The latter method is an environment-friendly application technique, in which the exceptional systemic mechanism of action was taken advantage of.

The paper is focused on the technique and time-schedule of trial applications which have resulted in very encouraging and practically applicable outcome. There is also a description of application techniques used for this purpose.