gozdarski zavod Maribor, Oddelek za kmetijsko svetovanje, SI-2000 Maribor,
za kmetijstvo Maribor, SI-2000 Maribor, Slovenija
gozdarski zavod Maribor, Oddelek za kmetijsko svetovanje, SI-2000 Maribor,
za kmetijstvo Maribor, SI-2000 Maribor, Slovenija
zadnjih nekaj letih smo v vinorodni deželi Podravje pogosto ugotavljali ne
zanemarljive poškodbe na vinski
trti, ki smo jih pripisovali stenicam. Šele s pogostim in temeljitim pregledom
poškodovanih trt nam je uspelo uloviti nekaj primerkov stenic, ki pa so po
opravljeni determinaciji, vse pripadale vrsti Lygocoris
spinolae (Meyer-Duer), po stari nomenklaturi tudi Lygus
spinolai, iz družine Miridae. Vrsta je sorodna
stenicam Lygocoris pabulinus in
Campyloma verbasci, katere po
avtorjih Davidu V. Alfordu, Henku Stigterju in Karin Hengstberger, delajo škodo
na sadnem drevju.
O zeleni trtni stenici je v
literaturi še zelo malo napisanega. Gre za avtohtono vrsto, ki jo je v naši
bližini prvi omenjal kot »Schilcherwanze« Fulmek (1931), v Švici Caccia s
sod. (1980), v Nemčiji Stellwaag (1928) in v Italiji Grandi (1951).
Razvojni krog je enak vsem stenicam iz družine Miridae, to je jajčeca, 5 stadijev ličink in odrasle. Stenica prezimi kot jajčece v strženu na rezni ploskvi vinske trte. Med odganjanjem vinske trte se izležejo ličinke, ki z vbodi v tkivo povzročijo nenormalno rast v obliki skrajšanih internodijev, oglatih raztrgnin na listju in pozneje vidnih poškodb tudi na grozdju v obliki osipanja jagod. V prispevku so prikazane morfološke značilnosti poškodb, opisan je škodljivec in prvi poskusi spremljanja njegovega pojava ter zatiranja.
spinolae Meyer-Duer)
In the vineyards of the 'Podravje' wine-growing region substantial damages on grapevine were observed in recent years, which seemed to be made by grape capsids. By frequent and thorough examination of the damaged vines, we captured a few specimens, which were classified as Lygocoris spinolae (Meyer-Duer), from the Miridae family. The species is related to the bugs Lygocoris pabulinus and Campyloma verbasci, which according to the authors David V. Alford, Henk Stigter and Karin Hengstberger cause damages to fruit trees. It is an indigenous species, first detected in our neighbouring wine growing region (Graz) and named as "Schilcherwanze" by Fulmek (1931). It was also found in Switzerland (Caccia et al., 1980), In Germany (Stellwagg, 1928) and in Italy (Grandi, 1951). The development cycle is similar to all the bugs from Miridae family, which consists of eggs, 5 stages of nymphs, and adults. This capsid overwinters as eggs in the pith of pruning wounds of vine canes. The eggs hatch during vine budding and the nymphs puncture the foliage and cause characteristic distortions similar to damages due to hail. The shoot stunt appears (internodes shorten) and the damages occur also on the developed grapes in the form of berry dropping. The paper presents morphological characteristics of damages, the description of the pest, monitoring system and chemical control.