Kmetijstvo Kranj, d.o.o., Laboratorij za fiziologijo in virusne bolezni, SI-4000
Kranj, Slovenija
Gliva Thanatephorus
cucumeris (Frank.) Donk je zastopana
skoraj v vseh tleh in povzroča škodo pri mnogih gospodarsko pomembnih poljščinah.
V krompirjevih nasadih zmanjša pridelek za 20-50 %;
gomolji so močno deformirani, drobnejši, z globokimi luknjicami in
odmrlim tkivom okoli. Pri sajenju okuženih gomoljev lahko kaliči in kasneje
mlade rastlinice delno ali popolnoma propadejo. Pri semenskem krompirju se gliva
širi z gomolji, na katerih je glivni micelij v obliki temnorjavih krast-sklerocijev,
in z micelijem na rastlinskih ostankih v tleh.
Mercator-KŽK Kmetijstvo v
Kranju smo se že vrsto let zavedali
škode, ki jo povzroča gliva bele noge (Thanatephorus
cucumeris) v nasadih semenskega in jedilnega krompirja. Leta 1998 smo v
semenskem nasadu krompirja na zaprtem območju Brnik
pri sorti Jemseg ugotovili okoli 80 % gomoljev s sklerociji bele noge.
V letu 1999 smo poskusno
tretirali semenske gomolje proti glivi bele noge
s sredstvi rizolex , maxim in prestige. V letu 2000 pa smo tretirali s
sredstvom prestige vse semenske gomolje za sajenje jedilnega in semenskega
krompirja s posebno napravo Mafex.
Prestige vsebuje 150 g/l
pensikurona in 140 g/l imidakloprida. Aktivna snov pensikuron deluje proti glivi
bele noge (Thanatephorus cucumeris),
aktivna snov imidacloprid pa je učinkovita proti koloradskemu hrošču (Leptinotarsa decemlineata), listnim ušem (Aphididae) in strunam (Agriotes
sp.). Rezultati tretiranja so bili zelo dobri. V jedilnem in semenskem
krompirju smo našli 1-2 % gomoljev s sklerociji glive bele noge na površju,
druge poškodbe in deformacije pa v sledovih. Krompirjevi nasadi so bili tako z
enkratnim tretiranjem semenskih gomoljev s sredstvom prestige
pred sajenjem ob pripravi semena zaščiteni proti koloradskemu hrošču,
listnim ušem in strunam in proti
glivi bele noge, kar je ekonomsko in ekološko ugodnejše.
cucumeris (Frank)
Donk is commonly found to persist in
majority of soil types and cause the damage to many of economically important
crops. In seed potato production infections cause the yields’ losses of 20-50
%; affected tubers are smaller, cracked, with the small holes sourounded by dead
tissue. When infected tubers are planted, the sprouts and young plants may
partly or completely die. The fungus is spread by mycelium present in the form
of black scurfs–sclerotia on the surface of infected tubers, or by mycelium
present on the plant residues in the soil. The stuff of Mercator-KŽK Kmetijstvo
Kranj has been aware of the economical losses in the seed and ware potato
production, due to Thanatephorus cucumeris
infection, for many years. In 1998 nearly 80 % of potato tubers of cv.
Jemseg, which was growing at the isolate field on the airport Brnik area, were
found to be infected by sclerotia of Thanatephorus cucumeris. In 1999 the seed potato tubers were treated
against Thanatephorus cucumeris by
different fungicides (rizolex,
maxim and prestige). In 2000, all seed potato tubers aimed at seed and ware
potato production were treated by fungicide Prestige, using special equipment
Mafex. Prestige contains 150g/l of active ingredient pensycuran, which is
effective against the fungus Thanatephorus
cucumeris and 140g/l of imidaclorprid, an insecticide active ingredient
against colorado beatle (Leptinotarsa
decemlineata), aphids (Aphidae)
and wireworms (Agriotes sp.).
The experiment of the Prestige treatment showed very good results. Only 1-2
% of tubers of the seed and ware potato were found to be superficially infected
by sclerotia of Thanatephorus cucumeris.
The damage and deformations of tubers caused by this fungus were noticed only in
few cases. The potato fields were protected against the Colorado beatle, aphids,
wireworms and against fungus Thanatephorus
cucumeris with only one treatment of seed tubers with Prestige (1,5 l/t
tubers) before planting, what seems economically and ecologically favourable.