za kmetijstvo Maribor, SI-2000 Maribor, Slovenija
podlagi naključnih popisov plevelov, ki smo jih v obdobju od leta 1990 do leta
2000 izvedli na njivah v 300 krajih po Sloveniji smo izdelali ocene pogostosti
pojavljanja za 793 vrst rastlin, ki imajo značaj njivskih plevelov. Analizirali
smo tudi spremembe pogostosti pojavljanja glede na pojavljanje v
preteklosti. Ocenili smo, da se 19,3% evidentiranih vrst pojavlja pogosteje kot
nekoč, 44,5% vrst enako pogosto kot nekoč in 36,2% vrst redkeje kot nekoč.
Glede na pogostost pojavljanja in biotične lastnosti
smo ocenili še gospodarski pomen posameznih plevelnih vrst. 618 vrst smo
uvrstili med gospodarsko nepomembne
plevele, 139 med srednje pomembne in samo 36 vrst med gospodarsko pomembne
On the basis of random weed surveys, which were carried out from 1990 till 2000 in 300 places in Slovenia, the frequency of appearance for 793 plant species that can be considered as weeds was estimated. Also the estimation of changes in frequency of appearance in contrast to the appearance in the past was done. It was estimated that 19,3% of weeds are appearing more frequently than in the past periods of time, 36,2% of weeds are appearing less frequently, and 44,5% of found weeds are appearing with the same frequency as in the past. By considering the frequency of appearance and other biotical properties of each of 793 weeds, the estimation of their present economic importance was made. 618 species were classified as weeds without economic importance, 139 as weeds with small economic importance, and only 36 species were found to be economic important weeds.