PINUS TKI d.d. SI-2327 Rače,
FOE (flufenacet)
je selektivni herbicid, ki pred ali takoj po vzniku omogoča zatiranje pomembnih
enoletnih travnih plevelov.
Z razvojem aktivne
komponente FOE (flufenacet), ki spada
v razred oksiacetamida in se lahko kot herbicidna komponenta uporablja v številnih
poljščinah, od koruze, soje, krompirja, žit in riža, je Bayer vstopil v novo dobo herbicidnega trga.
Dobre toksikološke značilnosti
in prijaznost do okolja so prednosti, ki to aktivno komponento uvrščajo v
programe integrirane proizvodnje.
Leta 1988 je bil FOE v
Bayerjevih laboratorijih prvič sintetiziran, medtem ko so se pripravki na tržišču
pojavili šele leta 1998 - po
desetletju preizkušanj.
Pripravki na osnovi FOE so
že registrirani v Nemčiji, Franciji, Belgiji in ZDA in so z letom 2000 dobili
registracijo tudi v Sloveniji.
FOE (flufenacet)
prodre v plevel preko korenin in delno skozi klične liste plevela, kjer preprečuje
delitev celic in s tem omogoča odmiranje plevela.
Predstavlja idealnega
partnerja za kombinacije z ostalimi herbicidnimi aktivnimi komponentami, ki se
glede delovanja na plevelno floro dopolnjujejo. S to strategijo je mogoče doseči
oboje – optimalno učinkovitost pri zatiranju ozkolistnih in ostalih plevelov
ter zelo dobro selektivnost.
Flufenacet is a selective
preemergence or early postemergence herbicide which provides effective control
of important weed grasses, such as various species of millet.
the development of the acctive ingredient flufenacet, Bayer has entered a new
era in the herbicide market. Flufenacet is from the oxyacetamide class of active
ingredients and can be used in numerous crop throught the world, including maize,
soya beans, potatoes, cereals and rice. Its good toxicological properties and
favourable environmental behaviour are the ideal prerequisites for use in
Integrated Crop Management systems.
This active ingredient was first synthesized in Bayers laboratories in 1988, and first appeared in a market product in spring 1998 after a decade of extensive trials. Products have already been registered in Germany, France, Belgium, USA and with a year 2001 also in Slovenia.
The active ingredient is taken up via the roots and partly via the germinating shoot. Flufenacet acts by inhibiting cell divisions in young root and shoot tissue; this brings longitudinal growth to an immediate halt and the plant dies.
Flufenacet is the ideal
partner for combination with other active angredients. The products developed
for use in maize, cereals, and potatoes consist of mixtures of flufenacet with
complementary active ingredients. With this strategy it is possible to achieve
both optimal efficacy in the control of weed grasses and other weeds and
outstanding crop tolerance.