Jacek Żandarski

The Main Inspectorate of Plant Protection – The Central Laboratory,  87-100 Toruń, Poljska  

Na Poljskem je bila šarka zabeležena leta 1961. Plum pox potyvirus (PPV), povzročitelj šarke, je na Poljskem karantenski organizem od leta 1990.

Stopnja okužbe in razširjenost šarke ni bila znana do leta 1996, ko je bil narejen pregled razširjenosti te bolezni. Na osnovi tega pregleda so zaključili, da je šarka razširjena na celotnem območju Poljske, tudi v matičnih nasadih in v drevesnicah, vendar v različnem obsegu. Najbolj so prizadeta južna območja.

Postalo je jasno, da so za obvladovanje in izkoreninjenje šarke na Poljskem potrebni strogi ukrepi. Uradni program je bil izdelan leta 1998 v sodelovanju z Inštitutom za pomologijo in hortikulturo v Skierniewicah. Program vključuje izkoreninjenje šarke  iz razmnoževalnega in sadilnega materiala (matični nasadi cepičev, zarodišča podlag in drevesnice), pridelovalnih nasadov  ter  drugih rastlin, gostiteljic virusa PPV (mali nasadi na kmečkih gospodarstvih, vrtovi in divji gostitelji). Splošna navodila so bila: povečanje števila pregledanih rastlin, enotna metoda pregledov in vzorčenja in strog nadzor izkoreninjenja.

Vsako okuženo drevo je bilo uničeno. Posebno strogi so kriteriji za matične nasade cepičev, zarodišča podlag in drevesnice. Razen odstranitve okuženih dreves je ob odkritju virusa PPV na teh objektih prepovedana tudi uporaba rastlin ali njihovih delov za nadaljnje razmnoževanje, dokler le-ti niso priznano brez virusov. Dodatne ukrepe (t.j. škropljenje proti ušem) uporabljajo v vsakem primeru.

Rezultat vseh teh ukrepov je popolno izkoreninjenje šarke v matičnih nasadih cepičev, preprečitev trgovine z okuženim materialom iz matičnih nasadov ali drevesnic in zmanjševanje pojava PPV v drevesnicah in na gostiteljih v njihovi okolici.



The strategy of the sharka eradication in Poland


In Poland sharka has been reported since 1961. Plum pox potyvirus, the causal agent of the sharka, has a quarantine status in Poland since 1990.  

The extend and the prevalence of the sharka occurrence had not been recognized until 1996, when the delimiting survey was carried out. It led to the conclusion that sharka occurred on the whole territory of Poland, also in s
cions orchards and nurseries, but in various prevalence. Southern regions were the most affected.  

It became clear that strict measures were necessary for the containment and the eradication of the sharka in Poland. The official program was developed in 1998 in co-operation with the Institute of Pommology and Horticulturae in Skierniewice. The program includes the eradication of sharka from propagative material used for planting (scions orchards, rootstocks crops and nurseries), and also from commercial orchards as well as other crops of PPV host plants (small orchards attached to a homesteads, allotment gardens and wild sharka hosts). General guidelines were: the increase of the number of crops inspected, the uniform procedures of the inspection conducting and sampling, and strictly observed eradication.  

Each infected tree is rooted out. Particular strict measures are taken in the case of scions orchards, rootstocks crops and nurseries. The detection of PPV in those crops means, except removal of infected plants, the prohibition of using plants or their parts for further propagation until the crop is recognized as free from the disease. Additional preventive measures (e.g. spraying against aphids) are applied in each case.  

All these measures have resulted in complete eradication of the sharka from scions orchards, the elimination of the commercial movement of the infested plant material originating from scions orchards or nurseries and the reduction of the prevalence of PPV in nurseries and surrounding crops.