Jacek Żandarski, Hanna Bagińska, Monika Kordyla-Bronka  

The Main Inspectorate of Plant Protection – The Central Laboratory, 87-100 Toruń, Poljska  

Poljska je bila ena prvih evropskih držav, kjer se je pojavil bakterijski hrušev ožig. Prva žarišča okužb so bila odkrita na severu države leta 1966. Bolezen se je zelo hitro razširila tudi v južna območja države. Bakterija Erwinia amylovora, povzročiteljica bakterijskega hruševega ožiga, ima na Poljskem status karantenskega organizma od leta 1962 naprej.

Od leta 1996 dalje se s ciljem izkoreninjenja bakterijskega hruševega ožiga intenzivno ukvarjamo. V ta namen smo opravili veliko število pregledov različnih gostiteljskih rastlin. Vsako leto smo pregledali med 6 in 7 tisoč drevesnic in pridelovalnih nasadov jabolk, hrušk in kutin. Predmet pregledov so bili tudi manjši vrtovi na kmetijah in številne samonikle gostiteljske rastline bakterije, ki povzroča obravnavano bolezen (glog, jerebika, itn.) (25-26 tisoč rastlin na leto).  

Z vsake rastline s sumljivimi znamenji smo odvzeli vzorce in jih laboratorijsko pregledali. Diagnosticiranje bakterijskega hruševega ožiga je zajemalo izolacijo bakterij na hranilnem gojišču in nadaljnjo identifikacijo s pomočjo razpoložljive metode (serološko in biokemijsko testiranje, PCR).  

Okužene rastline odstranimo in sežgemo. Posebni napori so usmerjeni v zmanjšanje potencialnega vira okužbe. Za matične nasade so uvedeni dodatni varnostni ukrepi; to je prepoved uporabe celotnih rastlin ali njihovih delov za nadaljnje razmnoževanje.  

Vsi ti ukrepi so privedli do opaznega zmanjšanja razširjenosti te bolezni. Na bakterijski hrušev ožig v drevesnicah naletimo le občasno, v komercialnih nasadih pa ga opazimo le redkokdaj. Samonikle gostiteljske rastline, posebno glog, so trenutno okužene bolj pogosto. Okuženost rastlin z bakterijskim hruševim ožigom se je v zadnjih štirih letih zmanjšala za več kot dvakrat.  





Poland has been one of the first European countries affected by the fire blight. First foci of the disease were discovered in the North of the country in 1966. It has spread in short time to the southern regions. Bacteria Erwinia amylovora, the causal agent of the fire blight, has a quarantine status in Poland since 1962.

Intensive efforts aimed at eradication of the fire blight have been in force since 1996. These include high number of inspections conducted in various crops of the host plants. About 6-7 thousands of nurseries and commercial orchards of apples, pears and quinces are inspected each year. Small gardens attached to homesteads and wild fire blight hosts (hawthorn, sorb, rowan, etc.) are also subjected to inspection (25-26 thousands of crops per year).

Sample is taken from each crop suspected of the fire blight infection and then examined in the laboratory. Diagnostic of the fire blight includes the isolation of the bacterium on growing media and further identification using available methods (e.g. serological and biochemical tests, PCR).  

Infested plants are removed and burned. Special treatment is applied in order to reduce the potential source of inoculum. Additional strict measures are imposed in the case of scions orchards or nurseries, e.g. prohibition of using whole plants or their parts for further propagation.  

All these measures have resulted in significant reduction of the disease prevalence. The fire blight is only sporadically notified in nurseries and rarely in commercial orchards. Wild host plants, especially hawthorn, are affected the most frequently at the time being. Generally, the rate of the infestation of the fire blight host plants has been reduced more than twice during the last four years.