Primerjava pojava listnih bolezni koruze na
Hrvaškem in v Sloveniji
za oplemenjivanje i proizvodnju bilja, d.d., HR-1000 Zagreb, Hrvaška,
2 Biotehniška
fakulteta, Oddelek za agronomijo, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija
namenom spremljanja listnih bolezni koruze je bil v l. 1999 posejan poskus na
dveh lokacijah na Hrvaškem (Rugvica, Ludbreg) in v Sloveniji (Ljubljana, Jable).
Najbolj pogosti bolezni na vseh lokacijah v obeh državah sta bili koruzna
progavost (Exserohilum turcicum
Pass.) in koruzna rja (Puccinia sorghi Schw.). Antraknoza (Colletotrichum
graminicola /Ces./ G. W. Wils.) in očesna
pegavost (Kabatiella zeae Narita in
Hiratsuka) sta se pojavile samo v sledovih in še to samo na občutljivih
linijah. S testiranjem različnega linijskega materiala v rastlinjaku je bila
prvič v Sloveniji determinirana rasa 2 glive Exserohilum
turcicum. Vseh 11 izolatov iz 7 lokacij na Hrvaškem je bilo prav tako iz
rase 2. V dveh letih je bila preizkušena z umetno infekcijo tudi odpornost 4
slovenskih in 15 hrvaških hibridov koruze ter 2 populacij iz Slovenije in sicer
v Ljubljani na listno progavost koruze rasa 1, v Rugvici pa na raso 2. V prvem
letu preizkušanja sta bila odporna na obe rasi hibrida H-13/99, H-7/99; občutljiva
pa H-2/99 in H-12/99, medtem ko sta bila v drugem letu preizkušanja odporna na
raso 2 H-5/00 in H-4/00, občutljivi pa H-2/00, H-4/00 in H-10/00. V razmerah
umetne okužbe z raso 1 sta bila srednje občutljiva H-5/00 in H-12/00, najbolj
občutljiva pa sta bila H-13/00 in H-2/00.
The investigation of incidence of some maize
leaf diseases in Croatia and in Slovenia
1999, on the two locations in Croatia (Rugvica, Ludbreg) and on the two
locations in Slovenia (Ljubljana, Jable) the incidence of maize leaf diseases
was investigated. The most frequent disease in both countries were the northern
corn leaf blight (Exserohilum turcicum Pass.)
and the maize rust (Puccinia sorghi
Schw.); whereas the stalk anthracnose (Colletotrichum
graminicola (Ces.) G. W. Wils.) and
maize eyespot (Kabatiella zeae, Narita
in Hiratsuka) were only slightly present. For the first time the test of
different line materials in the glasshouse showed that the race 2 of the fungus Exserohilum
turcicum is present also in Slovenia. This race was determined in
all 11 isolates from 7 croatian locations. During the past two years we have
been testing (with artificial inoculation) the tolerance/resistance of 4
slovenian and 15 croatian hybrids, and 2 slovenian populations. In the first
year, H-13/99 and H-7/99 were found to be tolerant cultivars to the races 1 and
2 of Exserohilum turcicum, but H-2/99 and H-12/99 were susceptible. In the second
year it was found that H-5/00 and H-4/00 were tolerant, and H-2/00, H-4/00 and
H-10/00 susceptible to the race 2. In artificial conditions (when inoculated
with the race 1) the most susceptible appeared to be H-13/00 and H-2/00.